Research Promotion Ideas
AMAT - Bridging the gap
Possible Themes
- Reconceptualising the construction of ‘human reproduction’
- Developing different metaphorical frameworks (more than traditional morality or economics)
- Influence of legislative change
- Political decision-making
- Social traditions emanating from decision points (conception, abortion, birth etc)
- Working with marginalised groups to develop language/communication education for teenage mothers – teenage sexuality, pregnancy and abortion
Interesting phrases
- Conceptions of the Embryo
- Maternal Cyborg
- Being and becoming human
- Perspectives on human reproduction

Core Business
- Getting a child (conception, assisted reproduction, pregnancy, birth)
- Preventing a child (contraception, sterilisation, abortion)
- Raising children (family, education, parenting, schooling)
- Social reproduction
- Genealogy
Other Possible activity
- Edited collection of already published papers
- Commissioned research on a particular theme
- Conference and edited publication of papers, book, and/or CD of proceedings
- Scholarship for Masters level thesis (within the social context of human reproduction)
- Establish commercial marketing/ communication centre View AMAT Ethics Committee Procedure