Concerning Educational Technology FAQ's
- Ellul, Jacques, (1964), The Technological Society, J. Wilkinson, trans., New York, Liberal Arts Press.
- Ernst and Young, (1999), The Knowledge Economy, Wellington, New Zealand Minstry of Commerce.
- Foucault, Michel, (1976), ‘Two Lectures’ in Colin Gordon, ed, Power/Knowledge, Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977, New York, Pantheon Books.
- Foucault, Michel, (1977a), Discipline and Punish, trans Allan Sheridan, London, Penguin.
- Friedman, Milton (1953), ‘The Methodology of Positive Economics’ in Essays in Positive Economics, U of Chicago Press, Chicago.
- Haraway, Donna, (1977), Modest Witness@Second Millenium. FemaleManŠ_Meets_OncoMouse ™, Feminism and Technoscience. London, Routledge.
- Heidegger, Martin, (1977), ‘The Age of the World Picture’ in The Question Concerning Technology and other Essays, New York, Harper Row.
- Heidegger, Martin, (1977), ‘The Question Concerning Technology’, in The Question Concerning Technology and other Essays, New York, Harper Row.
- Johnson, Dr Samuel, (1950), ‘The Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language, (orig. 1747), in Mona Wilson, ed, Johnson, Prose and Poetry, Rupert Hart-Davis, London
- Marcuse, Herbert, (1964), One-dimensional Man, Boston, Beacon.
- Peters, M.A. and J. D. Marshall ( 1993) Educational Policy Analysis And The Politics Of Interpretation: The Search For A Well-Defined Problem’, Evaluation Review 17, 3, June: 310-330.